First results: Cristina is the new president

The results announced just moments ago claim victory to the candidate of Frente para la Victoria, Senator (now president) Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. With 46.3% of the valid votes, Cristina becomes the next president of the Republic of Argentina until 2011.

In second place with 23.7% another woman, Sra. Elisa Carrió from the Coalición Cí­vica misses her chance to go to the run-off.
The third place has been relegated to the candidate of Una Nación Avanzada UNA former minister of economy, Roberto Lavagna.
Please notice that these are the first results transmitted by the mass media, only minutes after the polls closed. At about 9pm (Argentina) the official provisional results will be announced by the National Electoral Office.
The final results will be announced 48hs after the election finishes. They will be available to the public on Wednesday on the website of the National Electoral Office.