Dr. Maxwell Cameron
Argentina Elections 2007 would like to express its sincere gratitude to Dr. Maxwell Cameron, whom without his support, this website would not exist. The concept applied in this site was originally developed by him and Fabiola Bazo during the presidential election in Peru (2006). This site attempts to recreate that experience, continuing the original idea of Cameron and Bazo.
The team of Argentina Elections 2007 would like to acknowledge the UBC and Dr. Cameron’s efforts, essential for the existence of this site.
Thanks to the team of e-learning@UBC
Argentina Elections 2007 wishes to extend its gratitude to the extraordinary and permanent assistance from the e-learning@UBC team for creating and upkeeping the site. In particular Brian Lamb and Frank Pan, who did an amazing job providing us with this electronic space – visually and technically excellent.
To the team of Argentina Elections 2007
Last but not least, we would like to mention the work of our researchers and collaborators, who contribute with their knowledge, time and dedication. Without them, this site would not have the vitality and diversity that it possesses. Argentina Elections 2007 deeply thanks them.
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